June 2009

The Lungs of the World

I’ve always said that I can’t draw and I’ve always meant it. In the spring of 2009, I decided to find out exactly how badly I can’t draw. I keep buying art supplies in the hopes that I can make interesting things with them, but I never do. Over the course of several weeks, I used…Read more


I just got back from HeroesCon and I haven’t even unpacked the car yet. It was good to meet so many great, creative people who have such a passion for the medium. The conventions I usually go to do not have a lot of people in costumes, so it was really neat to see these…Read more

Porno for Pirates

That the human eye is drawn towards attractive or well-composed visual images is self-evident. I find it interesting that human beings have adopted this penchant for, say, stopping to notice a nice sunset, into their mating rituals. This is self-evident, too; we are sexually attracted to well-composed faces and elegant curves (male or female) and…Read more